It's been a rough weekend for me. We found out on Friday that Ben definitely has a milk allergy. I'm taking it really hard. I know you'll tell me it's not true, but I feel like it's my fault...I carried him for 9 months, I breastfed him, there must be something I did wrong. I wish I knew what it was so that I stop doing it now...I don't want the new baby to have an allergy. (You're also reading words from a hormone crazed pregnant lady - keep that in mind.) Another thing that saddens me is that there is so much he can't have now, that he enjoys eating! It breaks my heart. He eats what we put in front of him, so it's not like he can choose what he wants, so I guess he's not missing anything there. However, there are going to be times where everyone else is eating something he wants but can't have.
This is what it boils down too. Ben still isn't drinking milk (he drinks soy). This summer when we tried to give it to him, he would only throw it up. He also throws up if he eats cheese, although lately, he's had a little cheese and he's been OK. I told his doctor this, and also that daycare says he breaks out when having pineapple or orange juice. She referred us to an allergist. The allergist said even though he's been able to tolerate some milk products, if we continue to give it to him, his body will continue to think he has an allergy. So we need to stop giving him any and his body will, heal I guess, and hopefully he'll grow out of it. Milk allergies are not uncommon in kids, and it can be grown out of. (Oh - and the allergist says Ben has eczema, and when certain things, like syrup, o.j., and pineapple juice, touch his skin, he'll break out.)
So, we are now shopping for milk free products. This is SO hard! Here is the list the doctor gave us...
artificial butter flavor, butter, butter fat, butter oil, buttermilk, casein, caseinates, cheese, cream, cottage cheese, curds, custard, Ghee, Half & Half, lactalbumin, lactalbumin phosphate, lactoglobulin, milk chocolate, milk (derivative, powder, protein, solid, melted, condensed, evaporated, dry, whole, low-fat, non-fat, skimmed, and goat's milk), nougat, pudding, rennet casein, sour cream, sour cream solids, sour milk solids, whey (in all forms including sweet, delactosed, protein concentrate) & yogurt. Also a "D" on a label next to the kosher "K" or "U" or the word pareve (even though pareve means made without meat or milk, according to Jewish law a food product may contain a small amount of milk product but still be considered pareve - taken from Other things that may contain milk product are flavoring including caramel, Bavarian cream, coconut cream, brown sugar, butter, natural chocolate (semisweet, sweet), lunch meat, hot dogs, sausages, high protein flour, margarine & Simplesse.
Now do you see how hard it is!?! What do vegans eat? Should I be glad it's a milk allergy and not a gluten allergy? We've found milk in all sorts of things we didn't expect...there is powdered milk in our breadcrumbs, cheese in our tomato sauce, milk products in our mayonnaise and Miracle Whip! Also, all Wal-Mart brand products are made in a facility that also processes milk - so that's out too.
Thanksgiving is going to be aunt is making carrots and corn without butter. Oh boy! Lot's for Ben to eat...not that it's my aunt's fault. We are just going to have to bring our own food with us when we go places; restaurants are going to be especially hard. I guess it's a good thing we aren't going out to eat a lot lately. No more goldfish at church. No more Ritz crackers at home. Spaghetti only with pizza sauce. I'm worried about a few things, like daycare, but they understand and have the list, and don't have a problem with me bringing in my own food.
It's only been a few days, but we have found a few things he can eat, and few ways to get around it (i.e. the spaghetti with pizza sauce). We'll find more, and I'm going to look for some online support groups to help us, or rather me, through it. Ben seems OK so far, and hopefully he won't miss pizza night.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
S/he moves!
Yup, the little one is moving around :) I thought I felt movement yesterday at work, but I thought, "Nah - it's just because I'm reading something right now about baby movements". Then last night, I was lying in bed and my arm was on top of my belly. I thought I felt something move, right through my arm (not kicking my arm, but kinda vibrating through...kinda hard to explain). I took my arm off and thought, "Nah, it wouldn't be a strong enough kick to kick my arm. Must have just been my stomach digesting dinner". Then I waited for a while, and felt it again, really concentrating this time. It was definitely baby. It really is hard to tell because at this stage, it feels more like bubbles or stomach movements or some women even say popcorn. I really thought about it though, and it was definitely baby. I thought about keeping it a secret from J.R., then in a few weeks when the baby is big enough to kick through my stomach, just reaching for his arm and surprising him with a kick. But, he was laying next to me, and I looked over at him and smiled. He looked at me and I could see he was thinking "What's up with her", so I told him, through happy tears, that I felt the baby move.
This makes me feel good in a couple of ways. It feels great because it's just a fun thing, but I'm really nervous right now about the baby's health, so it's reassuring to know he or she is bouncing around in there.
This makes me feel good in a couple of ways. It feels great because it's just a fun thing, but I'm really nervous right now about the baby's health, so it's reassuring to know he or she is bouncing around in there.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Happy Halloween
I wanted to post some Halloween pictures in my last post, but ran out of time while blogging. So, here is the 2nd part of what I wanted to post before....Ben's 2nd Halloween! While my mom was visiting, she bought this costume for him. Isn't he just the world's cutest cow?!?!!
He wasn't real happy when we took the picture - I think we interrupted his playtime or something. I still think he looks cute! I'm not real crazy about the costumes with the heads on top of them, but this costume was just so cute!
Ben and J.R. when we first arrived at the zoo. (I love this picture!!!)
Even though you can't see Ben's face, it's a cute picture of the whole costume.
Ben always seems to fall asleep at the zoo.
Me and Ben, my little moo-cow!
At the end of the month, our friends Kelly, Bill, Molly and Ben came to the zoo with us for Boo at the Zoo. We had a great time visiting, especially since we hadn't seen each other for a while. Boo at the Zoo was a trick or treating event at the zoo. There were different candy/snack stations all around the zoo, so Ben went trick or treating for the first time. Although, I do have to say, mom did most of the trick or treating! I tried to get Ben to hold out his bag, but he was more interested in playing with it, so I mostly took his bag and went to the tables myself. Here are some pictures of the day.
Ben and J.R. when we first arrived at the zoo. (I love this picture!!!)
Ben really knows a lot of animal sounds, so what made his costume more cute was when we would ask him what a cow says. He'd pucker up his lips and say "oooo". So cute.
Ben can also oink like a pig, roar like a lion/tiger, woof like a dog, quack like a duck, growl like a bear (and show his little claws), baa like a sheep, chomp like an alligator (he moves his hands like an alligator chomping), ooh ooh ah ah like a monkey (while raising his arms up a little and bouncing them) roar like an elephant (and raise his arm like it's the elephant's trunk), meow like a cat, stick his tongue out like a lizard (as previously posted about - check out the video if you haven't seen it), and hiss like a snake. We are trying to get him to neigh like a horse, tweet/chirp like a bird, and today I started working on a turkey gobble and associating it with Happy Thanksgiving. He's identifying quite a few body parts too, and does motions for at least 4 songs that I know of. He's not talking too much, but his signs are coming along pretty well. I can't believe he's 17 months old -he's getting so grown up :)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Fall Festivities
I love the fall; it's probably my favorite season. I love curling up under the blankets at night, wearing sweaters (did you know at one time I had 42 sweaters?) and watching the leaves change color. I find it so much fun to do fall related fairs, pumpkin patches, Halloween, etc. There was plenty to do during October, so we had a lot of fun. At the beginning of the month, my "yoga" friends and babies all got together at a local arboretum then had a light dinner together. The trip was fun, but it was also great to be with my friends. This was probably the first time the kids had been together since they've all been walking, too. It was so much fun to see them interacting and playing with each other. At the arboretum, we walked through this great train display. There were miniature buildings from around the world, and around the city, all with trains passing them by. Here's a picture of Ben and J.R.

OK - well, maybe later there will be a picture. I guess I don't have those pictures on this computer, so I'll have to update this post later on.
My mom came for a visit mid month. I'm glad she came, we had a great visit. We went to a pumpkin patch and Ben came home with his very own pumpkins. We went on a hayride out to the pumpkin patch, Ben saw chickens, horses, sheep and other farm animals, he went for a wagon ride and just had a fun time. Here are some pictures from that day.

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