I'm going to say breastfeeding is going well. Aaron is now 11 lbs. 1 oz.
Yeah...(shakes, not nods, head)
Yesterday I went to a breastfeeding moms group. It was nice. There were 14 moms with their babies there. We all weighed our babies and then just talked to one another. There was a lactation consultant there to answer questions if we had them. It was a really nice opportunity to get out of the house and talk to other moms about breastfeeding, sleeping, etc. I didn't get the chance to form any mom-friendships this pregnancy like I did when I was pregnant with Ben. I only really talked with two women, one more than the other, but I still enjoyed myself. I'm looking forward to going back after the holiday.
Yeah...(shakes, not nods, head)
Yesterday I went to a breastfeeding moms group. It was nice. There were 14 moms with their babies there. We all weighed our babies and then just talked to one another. There was a lactation consultant there to answer questions if we had them. It was a really nice opportunity to get out of the house and talk to other moms about breastfeeding, sleeping, etc. I didn't get the chance to form any mom-friendships this pregnancy like I did when I was pregnant with Ben. I only really talked with two women, one more than the other, but I still enjoyed myself. I'm looking forward to going back after the holiday.
According to Aaron's weight, I'd say he's getting enough to eat. I don't really worry about that like I did with Ben. He's still kind of funny about the right side. It still hurts a little when he latches on, and last night and tonight he's not really wanting that side. During the day though, he was ok. I'm pumping already, and I have two bags stored in the freezer and four or five bottles in the fridge. J.R. has already used about 6 bottles because I've gone out a few times and left Aaron at home. I'm feeling really good about my pumping too. Right now, I can get three ounces from each side pretty easily. If I ever did that with Ben it was probably once. I received some reading material in the hospital that said I should pump every day to start a storage. It was good advice and I'm trying to do that. If he continues to not want my right side at night, I can pump it in the morning and that'll be my daily pump.
Aaron and I still have colds. I feel bad because I'm breathing all over him and I'm sure that's not letting him get better. I've started all night coughing fits - that's so lovely. He's still coughing a bit and there are times when I can tell he has that tickle that wants to make him cough, but he can't. Sometimes it seems like his milk isn't making its way down to his tummy because of congestion. He's breathing a little better at night, but he's still making some funny noises. I'm already nervous enough about him at night, I don't really need that on top of it. Hopefully we'll both be better soon. It's been over a week already.
Ben was funny tonight. He's been sitting in the car seat and he wants to sit inside the boppy, whether on my lap or not. Tonight I was sitting on the couch and he wanted to sit in the boppy. I put it aside of me so he could sit in it, and that made him happy for a minute. Then he put around my waist and sat inside of it - rather cute actually. Then...he leaned his head forward and opened his mouth towards my boob (I only had a bra on). It was strange, but funny at the same time. I had to explain that was only for Aaron, but when he was little, he used to do that. Such a weird situation to be in. Other than that, he's been really good about Aaron breastfeeding.