Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Nose knows no

At Ben's last well visit, the doctor told me he should start identifying body parts, so we've been teaching him where his nose is. Last night, for the first time, he pointed to his nose! It's really cute, we ask him where his nose is, and his puts his finger on the side of his nose. He smiles really big like he's so proud of what he's done. We get excited so then he starts clapping! We asked him where his head was after he had shown us his nose a couple of times. I put my hands on my head, then he did it. At school today I wanted him to show his teacher his nose, then she started asking him where his eyes were, so I'm thinking she might be teaching him that stuff at school too, which is great.

Then today, the little brat (kidding of course), refused to give me a kiss! He's giving kisses quite well now, and if you ask him for a kiss, he'll lean into you and you may get an open mouth kiss, but he's really giving many more closed mouth kisses now. He's even starting to pucker his lips. Well today, I put him in his car seat and asked for a kiss. He shook his head at me! I said "No? No?" He continued to shake his head then put a big smile on his face. He did this several times to me, in fact, he practically did it all night. I'm not sure if I should be offended or enter him in a crazy baby contest!

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