It was a big weekend for us. Today, I baptized J.R. J.R. believes in Jesus, and has committed to making Him the leader and forgiver of his life. J.R. asked that I be the one to immerse him, and it was such an honor to do so. When I was a kid, we went to church on a regular basis. I liked it. I liked Sunday School, I love Vacation Bible School and I was even in the choir. Then one day, we (my mom, sister and I) decided to stop going. I went back a couple of times one summer while I was in college, then for 6 months or so when I lived in Reading. I never stopped believing in Jesus, I just don't think I truly realized the sacrifice He made for me. I started attending again on a regular basis about 4 years ago, and haven't looked back since. I was offered the opportunity to be baptized by immersion, but for some reason, it was a difficult decision for me, so I didn't do it then. When I moved to Philly I didn't join a new church right away. When J.R. first moved in with me, he wasn't going to church. He told me he'd like to someday, but he wasn't ready. It was a few weeks after he moved in that I started attending Christ's Church of the Valley. About 6 months later, J.R. joined me. He came with me about every other week for a while. Then, we went every week. We even joined a Home Team (small group/bible study). I decided I wanted to be baptized, but there was always some reason why I didn't do it... the days the church was offering a service was bad date, I wasn't ready, we were travelling that weekend, whatever. I finally said - I need to do this. So last January, I had my bestest bud Kelly baptize me. It was her church I started attending regularly before I moved to Philly, and her friendship, support and influence, and watching her and her family live happily as a Christian family, that helped me realize I wanted to follow Christ. It wasn't long after when J.R. decided to accept communion. Then Ben was born, and let me tell ya, if you don't believe in God before you witness the birth of your child, you will in that first moment you hold in your arms that tiny little being you helped create. J.R. and I are best friends. Our marriage, our son, our growing faith helped J.R. (and myself) understand he wanted to follow Christ as well. So, he took the plunge - literally. His mom, dad and brother came up, and our friends Rob, Michele and Abbey came as well. Rob, Michele and Abbey are also newly baptized and it's been fun having other friends getting to know Christ as the same time as us. There were also some friends from church who hung around - Jody, Al and Georgia, Leanne. It was an honor being able to baptize my husband. I'm thrilled we are now taking this journey together, and I'm so proud of him. I forgot my camera, so when I get some pictures from the others that had cameras, I'll post them.
A couple of other cool things about today - first, we saw two couples in church that we haven't seen for ages. Al and Georgia, who used to be in our old Home Team, and Mike and Sharon, and little Otillie. J.R. and Mike travelled in similar circles years ago, and we've seen them in church a few times. We started to get to know them a bit, but their lives have been really busy so we haven't seen them since I was still pregnant. We also saw two couples from our old Home Team (one at church and one at the restaurant) who congratulated J.R. It was really neat that today was the day we happened to see old friends. The other cool thing was the sermon was about God having a dream for us. Sometimes we think to follow our dreams we'll go from point A straight to point B, but in reality, that line has more turns and curves than we imagined, if we even get to point B. Instead we might not want point B anymore and move on to point C. In the end, we are better off at C, than if we arrived at B. That's God's dream. God dreamed J.R. would be baptized, which means I was meant for J.R.'s life. Boy is that a blessing.
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Cute video
J.R. took some video of Ben in his new jumpy seat tonight. Make sure you have your sound up. I'm not sure if Ben is singing a song, or acting like an Indian chief! It's pretty cute.
We are both still sick, hopefully we'll get some rest this weekend and finally feel better.
Oh !!! I was sitting on the floor with Ben tonight, and he wanted to crawl over my legs. So he used his hands on my legs to push him self up....right onto his feet! Not his, knees, his feet! Wow!
We are both still sick, hopefully we'll get some rest this weekend and finally feel better.
Oh !!! I was sitting on the floor with Ben tonight, and he wanted to crawl over my legs. So he used his hands on my legs to push him self up....right onto his feet! Not his, knees, his feet! Wow!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Ben's Mom
Ben and I have been sick all week. I ended up staying home from work on Tuesday. I had a sore throat and didn't feel good to begin with, then after I fed Ben, he threw up on me three times before I could even leave the nursery with him. I decided it was probably better for us to both stay home. He's been "teary" and "cranky" according to the new notes that are sent home from day care. I love that we are getting notes, but I'd rather them say he was doing well. I'm surprised I wasn't called to pick him up today because when I left him, I thought he felt a bit warm. Also, he cried a ton after I woke him up and before I fed him. He never cried like that in the morning before. I took him to the Dr's today for the 2nd part of his flu shot. He didn't have a fever so he was able to have the shot. A nurse gave him the shot - he barely flinched, and even gave a laugh when she rubbed his leg with the gauze to soak up the (very little) blood after the shot. I wanted a Dr. to take a look at his ears, but the nurse said I'd have to make a "sick" appointment for him. I really don't think he has an ear infection, but I thought since I was there, they could check. Oh well.
The best part of my day happened at day care this morning. I was getting Ben settled in and the lead teacher in the room wanted my attention so she called me, "Ben's mom"! :) Now, I wish she knew my name, but I didn't even think about that. It was just really neat to be called Ben's Mom. I think that's probably the first time someone has called me that (besides someone close to me). I was talking to another new mom friend of mine today, and she joked that she's lost her own name and will now always be her son's mom. I said, "For the rest of our lives." Seven and a half months later, it's still so amazing to me. I have a son. I'm a mom. I'm responsible for this little life. He'll become a great man because of my influence. For the rest of my life, I'll be Ben's Mom. How cool is that?
The best part of my day happened at day care this morning. I was getting Ben settled in and the lead teacher in the room wanted my attention so she called me, "Ben's mom"! :) Now, I wish she knew my name, but I didn't even think about that. It was just really neat to be called Ben's Mom. I think that's probably the first time someone has called me that (besides someone close to me). I was talking to another new mom friend of mine today, and she joked that she's lost her own name and will now always be her son's mom. I said, "For the rest of our lives." Seven and a half months later, it's still so amazing to me. I have a son. I'm a mom. I'm responsible for this little life. He'll become a great man because of my influence. For the rest of my life, I'll be Ben's Mom. How cool is that?
Monday, January 21, 2008
Ben and I had the day off today. We were supposed to meet with our friends, but we stayed home because he still has a cold so I didn't want to infect any of the other babies. So we just hung out at home. Fortunately, whatever pink eye he may have had is gone - no sign of it at all, which is great. He definitely isn't feeling well though. He didn't keep his bananas down, he was fussy all day. We did have some good time though. He had puffs for the first time, well, first time with me. I think he may have had them at day care. I put a handful of puffs on the high chair tray and he immediately knew what to do. He would scoop them up with his whole hand, but then put them in his mouth with his finger and thumb. He did well and enjoyed them. I gave him a 2nd handful. Here's a picture:
J.R. used some of his incentive points from work to buy Ben a new bouncy seat. It's rainforest, so it matches his swing and small bouncy seat. I took a little video, but its not great. I'll post some video when I get something better. He was cute in it earlier. He was talking up a storm. Kinda like he's doing now :) He should be sleeping, but Mr-wide-awake guy is talking to and bouncing on daddy instead. However cute he is, mommy would really like to go to sleep herself to knock out whatever cold she might be getting.
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Writing for Therapy
Ben's sick...again. His cold is back, and he has the beginnings of pink eye. Fortunately we caught it early, and the medicine is already working. It's going around I guess. We called the Dr.'s office at 9 AM and we were the third pink eye call. J.R. got his hair cut today and his hairdresser said her daughter's day care sent a note home saying its going around. The poor little guy is just not himself. He did take a 2 hour and 45 minute nap today though. I'm hoping he feels better soon - I'm really excited to see my yoga friends on Monday. I can't go if Ben has something the other babies can catch. sigh....
I heard this song the other day and for the first time, really listened to its lyrics. It's called "In my Arms" by Plum. It's beautiful.
Your baby blues, so full of wonder
Your curly cues, your contagious smile
And as I watch, you start to grow up
All I can do is hold you tight
Knowing clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms
Story books full of fairy tales
Of kings and queens and the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
You'll someday see the truth from lies
When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms
Castles they might crumble
Dreams my not come true
But you are never all alone
Because I will always, always love you
When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms, in my arms
This song couldn't hit home harder for me right now. I worry about Ben all the time, I pray I'm doing a good job as a mom. I want to raise him right - I want him to be a kind, loving, strong boy...then man. I'm excited to raise him as a Christian. It's funny because I'm in a field where I deal with "helicopter parents" and I've said I won't be like that, but man, I just want to be with him and make sure nothing bad happens to him. I hate it that he's sick, that his skin is so sensitive, that he cries at day care.... Ben means the world to me. I can't imagine my life without him. I don't want to live without him.
There is definitely much love in this household, and he will grow up knowing that. God has truly blessed my life, and that is why I know Ben will be just fine.
I do want to take a moment to ask everyone reading this to keep my elementary/high school friend Tammy and her family in your prayers. Tammy has lost her sister, and another sister's son and daughter in a horrible, horrible tragedy. The news just isn't getting any better for the family either. It really saddens me and is weighing heavily on my heart. Pray that they will be comforted by God's presence.
I heard this song the other day and for the first time, really listened to its lyrics. It's called "In my Arms" by Plum. It's beautiful.
Your baby blues, so full of wonder
Your curly cues, your contagious smile
And as I watch, you start to grow up
All I can do is hold you tight
Knowing clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms
Story books full of fairy tales
Of kings and queens and the bluest skies
My heart is torn just in knowing
You'll someday see the truth from lies
When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms
Castles they might crumble
Dreams my not come true
But you are never all alone
Because I will always, always love you
When the clouds will rage
And storms will race in but you will be safe in my arms
Rains will pour down, waves will crash all around
But you will be safe in my arms, in my arms
This song couldn't hit home harder for me right now. I worry about Ben all the time, I pray I'm doing a good job as a mom. I want to raise him right - I want him to be a kind, loving, strong boy...then man. I'm excited to raise him as a Christian. It's funny because I'm in a field where I deal with "helicopter parents" and I've said I won't be like that, but man, I just want to be with him and make sure nothing bad happens to him. I hate it that he's sick, that his skin is so sensitive, that he cries at day care.... Ben means the world to me. I can't imagine my life without him. I don't want to live without him.
There is definitely much love in this household, and he will grow up knowing that. God has truly blessed my life, and that is why I know Ben will be just fine.
I do want to take a moment to ask everyone reading this to keep my elementary/high school friend Tammy and her family in your prayers. Tammy has lost her sister, and another sister's son and daughter in a horrible, horrible tragedy. The news just isn't getting any better for the family either. It really saddens me and is weighing heavily on my heart. Pray that they will be comforted by God's presence.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Let it Snow!
I was at work for an hour today when I got the phone call to pick up Ben. He was burning up and had vomited all over day care's carpet. So I picked him up about an hour later, took him home, and took his temp. 98.6. No fever. He did feel a little warm though and he is catching a cold again. In fact, later on this evening, his eye was crusted shut. He's got some kind of goop going on. I'll have to call the Dr. tomorrow.
I feel really bad that we don't take Chloe to the park that much anymore, so when it started to snow this afternoon, I promised her I'd take her around 6:00, thinking there would be other dogs there. There wasn't, but wanted to get outside before the snow turned to sleet, then rain. I also need to admit, I really wanted to bundle Ben in his little snowsuit and take him out. We haven't had any real snow for him to use it. So, out the three of us went. We didn't stay out too long, because of Ben being sick, plus, the snow was changing to sleet. I did take these pictures though.
On another note, J.R. has begun classes again. He took an English writing class last spring, then took some time off to spend with the baby. Now he's taking a Business Presentations class - basically public speaking for business majors. I'm very excited for him. I think he'll do well. I'm proud of him too - it takes a lot to go back to school after so much time off and having so many responsibilities at home. Since I've been at La Salle for a while now, J.R. can take classes for free.
Monday, January 14, 2008
Ben's a Rocker
Ben's been up on his hands and knees a couple of times now, but of course never when we have the camera ready. Until tonight - he actually spent a good portion of his floor-with-toys time up in beginning-to-crawl position. I spent the day telling my students that he hasn't started rocking back and forth yet, but now I'll have to change my story tomorrow!
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Firsts in Philly
This was a day of lots of firsts for Ben. This afternoon, we put a strawberry in one of those mesh teething things and let Ben suck/gnaw on it. His first bite created a sour look on his face. He loved it though, and ate pretty much the whole thing. He's had strawberry scented breath all day. Then, we went into the city. It was his first time in the umbrella stroller.
Then he rode Septa for the first time. First on a bus, then on the subway.
We took Ben to his first professional hockey game - Philadelphia Flyers vs. Boston Bruins. Of course, Ben and I were in our Bruins colors, and it worked - the Bruins won 4-3 in overtime. It was a fun time.
The Bruins were up 3-1 in the third period. Then the Flyers scored twice. The first time the buzzer blew, Ben woke up, made a scrunched up, disapproving face, then went back to sleep. When the Flyers scored again to tie the game, the buzzer sounded again and the Wachovia Center got so loud that he woke up and stayed up. The woman sitting aside of us couldn't believe how he slept through that and how good he was during the whole game.
We took the subway back into Center City and strolled around the Reading Terminal Market. No good pictures of Ben there, but mommy and daddy did buy cookies at the 4th St. Cookie Co. Mmmmmmm. We did take a picture in LOVE park though.
If you want to see more pictures from the day, check out our slide show to the right, or go to our flickr site.
Tonight, we'll wear our red, white and blue for the Patriots and see if they can make it 17 - 0 and go on in the playoffs! Go Pats! This pic is from the last time Ben wore his Brady jersey.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Another good day
Ben slept all night again! YAY! As mentioned, he fell asleep early. We put him in his crib around 10:30, and of course he woke up. So, I changed him for bed (didn't cover him with a new diaper right away and he peed in his mouth - poor thing) and fed him again and he went right back to sleep. He also had a real good day at day care. I think we have the combination to what works!
Ben's Happy 7 month Birthday is today! Love the cute outfit he wore today`. Here's a pic.

Here's a cute video of J.R. making him laugh.
Ben's Happy 7 month Birthday is today! Love the cute outfit he wore today`. Here's a pic.
Here's a cute video of J.R. making him laugh.
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Good, better, best
First news.....BEN SLEPT ALL NIGHT!!!! WOO HOO!!!! It's not the first time, but the first time in a long, long time. He's feeling better - no runny nose or anything. And, I think he's finally settled back in from travelling. I think it's going to be a while before we travel again (sorry mom and mom). At least not during the month of January, but we are busy the rest of January weekends anyway.
Next news.... Ben had a good day at daycare!! Yay!!! He even took an hour and a half nap. The teacher says he seems happier, especially since he's eating more. She says he loves to eat! He's eating food 3x a day now - cereal and two of whatever J.R. packs (apples, pears, whatever). Then of course he eats at home too. We've been putting 5 oz in his bottles too, so I think it's working! Woo hoo!
Ben ate from me around 8 pm then fell asleep. He's still sleeping and it's after 10 pm. I was going to wake him up around 9 pm, but decided not too. I really didn't think he'd sleep this long. I'm still not sure he'll stay down all night, but we'll see what this will turn into.
Oh - here's some more video of Ben in the jumper. I figured since the other was so dark, this might be better.
Next news.... Ben had a good day at daycare!! Yay!!! He even took an hour and a half nap. The teacher says he seems happier, especially since he's eating more. She says he loves to eat! He's eating food 3x a day now - cereal and two of whatever J.R. packs (apples, pears, whatever). Then of course he eats at home too. We've been putting 5 oz in his bottles too, so I think it's working! Woo hoo!
Ben ate from me around 8 pm then fell asleep. He's still sleeping and it's after 10 pm. I was going to wake him up around 9 pm, but decided not too. I really didn't think he'd sleep this long. I'm still not sure he'll stay down all night, but we'll see what this will turn into.
Oh - here's some more video of Ben in the jumper. I figured since the other was so dark, this might be better.
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
A good day for Ben
I saw the director at day care today. I pulled her aside and gently told her that, although I'm sure she didn't mean it, the comment she made to me on Friday hurt me. She said she was joking and apologized several times. She said she joked like that to another dad of a cranky baby, but after she said it to me, she could tell it didn't go over well with me. She apologized again and we talked about other Ben stuff. She, along with two others said Ben had a good day today, even took an hour nap. The director says she gets teased because they say she spoils Ben - she'll pick him up and hold him when he cries. At least I know he's being soothed and not just sitting alone to cry.
J.R. says hi.
J.R. says hi.
I haven't seen the director at daycare, so I haven't been able to say anything. J.R. picked Ben up yesterday and he said everyone was nice. His first impression of the place is that it's old. Yeah. It is a large old house turned into a daycare. It's not a new building built just for this purpose, so yeah, it's kinda old. It's ok though. Ben did ok yesterday. He cried a little in the morning, but did well in the afternoon and even took a nap. Hopefully, things are getting better. Food may have something to do with it. I think he should be drinking more than what we have been packing, so we are starting to pack more. Hopefully this helps.
Ben loves Chloe. We took her to the park the other night. Ben and I sat on a bench and I threw a stick for Chloe. Everytime Chloe would run back to us, Ben cracked up laughing it was so funny. I'd throw the stick, Chloe would get it and come back, Ben would laugh. Throw, return, laugh. It was really cute. He's really been noticing her around the house too. If he's upset and Chloe walks into the room, he'll immediately quiet down and smile at Chloe. He reaches out for her face - will grab her cheek/eye/nose. She's so good, that she just takes it. She'll look at me for help sometimes, or will walk away if she gets loose, but I'll call her back so he can do it again! - HA.
Ben loves Chloe. We took her to the park the other night. Ben and I sat on a bench and I threw a stick for Chloe. Everytime Chloe would run back to us, Ben cracked up laughing it was so funny. I'd throw the stick, Chloe would get it and come back, Ben would laugh. Throw, return, laugh. It was really cute. He's really been noticing her around the house too. If he's upset and Chloe walks into the room, he'll immediately quiet down and smile at Chloe. He reaches out for her face - will grab her cheek/eye/nose. She's so good, that she just takes it. She'll look at me for help sometimes, or will walk away if she gets loose, but I'll call her back so he can do it again! - HA.
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Birthday and Daycare
Yesterday was J.R.'s birthday! Happy Birthday love! We celebrated by going to a minor league hockey game - the Philadelphia Phantoms. One more goal and we could have had a free ice cream at Cold Stone Creamery! Darn it! Oh well. They still won, so that's good. Here's a picture from Ben's first Hockey game:

That was the good part of the night. Earlier, I picked up Ben from daycare. The director was sitting at the front desk when I came in. Instead of saying hello to me, she used a deep devil's voice to say "TAAAKE HIIIM!!!". I was so upset. I just said "Oh, that's nice" as I walked by her. I was like, nice greeting lady. Thanks for telling me you hate having my kid in your class (she's the director but also works in the nursery). I continued to walk by, then turned around to say something, then turned back around and got Ben. I thought if I had said something, I would have reacted, and not responded. I've been letting it sit over the weekend, and I'll let her know how upset she made me when I see her next week. I really almost cried. I mean, I know he cries alot, but don't make me think you don't like having him. Besides, that's what I pay them for. I'm really upset. I hate it because Ben's upset all day too. I wish there was something I could do. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
That was the good part of the night. Earlier, I picked up Ben from daycare. The director was sitting at the front desk when I came in. Instead of saying hello to me, she used a deep devil's voice to say "TAAAKE HIIIM!!!". I was so upset. I just said "Oh, that's nice" as I walked by her. I was like, nice greeting lady. Thanks for telling me you hate having my kid in your class (she's the director but also works in the nursery). I continued to walk by, then turned around to say something, then turned back around and got Ben. I thought if I had said something, I would have reacted, and not responded. I've been letting it sit over the weekend, and I'll let her know how upset she made me when I see her next week. I really almost cried. I mean, I know he cries alot, but don't make me think you don't like having him. Besides, that's what I pay them for. I'm really upset. I hate it because Ben's upset all day too. I wish there was something I could do. I don't know what I'm doing wrong.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Ben's new thing
Ben has been hysterical in his Jumper. He really loves to bounce. So much so, he's bouncing even when he's not in it! It's cute. He's bouncing in our laps, when he's sitting & making his bouncy chair really bounce.
He's feeling better - only coughed once today and I don't hear the congestion in his chest. He was pretty happy for most of the day - we had a really good day at home together. I could SOOO do the stay-at-home mom thing. OH - and he finally slept well last night too! He went down around 10:30, was up briefly around 11, then woke to eat around 2ish then slept til 9am. He was talking to himself when he woke up - it was cute.
He's feeling better - only coughed once today and I don't hear the congestion in his chest. He was pretty happy for most of the day - we had a really good day at home together. I could SOOO do the stay-at-home mom thing. OH - and he finally slept well last night too! He went down around 10:30, was up briefly around 11, then woke to eat around 2ish then slept til 9am. He was talking to himself when he woke up - it was cute.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
New Year, New Blog
Everybody else is doing it, so I why can't I? Oh, I can? Good. Fine, I will.
I thought about doing a blog while I was pregnant, but never did. I thought about starting it once Ben was born, but never did. So, I guess a new year is motivation for me. Besides, I haven't been scrapbooking and I'm forgetting Ben's firsts, so this can be a good way for me to write them down. I don't have time to scrapbook, but I can use the computer while Ben is nursing so hopefully I'll be better.
I chose crankybaby as the name of the site because Ben is sick right now and he's a bit cranky. Ben's quite the needy guy. Day Care thinks I hold him to much. I really don't think I do. He just wants attention all the time. J.R. and I have always called him "needy boy", even when he was weeks old. I decided today that maybe I do pick him up too much, but I don't care. I'm his mom so I can, right? I just hate to hear him cry. He's exhausting though. My apartment is a mess because I don't have time to myself so I can clean. Oh well. His new thing is he doesn't want to sleep in his crib. He'll fall asleep on me when he's done nursing, and comfortably stay there as long as I let him. However, as soon as I put him down in his crib, he wakes up. I'm hoping it's because he's been sick...first it was a stomach virus, now it's RSV. Gosh, I hope he gets over it soon. I can't keep getting up every hour. J.R. and I decided it's probably best Ben stay home from Day Care one more day to make sure he's feeling better.
Ben's not cranky all the time though. In fact, he's usually pretty happy (except since he's been sick). While I was typing this, J.R. had him cracking up laughing. Then he put him in the Jolly Jumper and you've got to check out this video - it's hysterical. Note the Irish music in the background (thank you Avalon String Band Mummers) - it so adds to the jumping.
Happy New Year everyone! May God bless you with love, good health and happiness this year!
I thought about doing a blog while I was pregnant, but never did. I thought about starting it once Ben was born, but never did. So, I guess a new year is motivation for me. Besides, I haven't been scrapbooking and I'm forgetting Ben's firsts, so this can be a good way for me to write them down. I don't have time to scrapbook, but I can use the computer while Ben is nursing so hopefully I'll be better.
I chose crankybaby as the name of the site because Ben is sick right now and he's a bit cranky. Ben's quite the needy guy. Day Care thinks I hold him to much. I really don't think I do. He just wants attention all the time. J.R. and I have always called him "needy boy", even when he was weeks old. I decided today that maybe I do pick him up too much, but I don't care. I'm his mom so I can, right? I just hate to hear him cry. He's exhausting though. My apartment is a mess because I don't have time to myself so I can clean. Oh well. His new thing is he doesn't want to sleep in his crib. He'll fall asleep on me when he's done nursing, and comfortably stay there as long as I let him. However, as soon as I put him down in his crib, he wakes up. I'm hoping it's because he's been sick...first it was a stomach virus, now it's RSV. Gosh, I hope he gets over it soon. I can't keep getting up every hour. J.R. and I decided it's probably best Ben stay home from Day Care one more day to make sure he's feeling better.
Ben's not cranky all the time though. In fact, he's usually pretty happy (except since he's been sick). While I was typing this, J.R. had him cracking up laughing. Then he put him in the Jolly Jumper and you've got to check out this video - it's hysterical. Note the Irish music in the background (thank you Avalon String Band Mummers) - it so adds to the jumping.
Happy New Year everyone! May God bless you with love, good health and happiness this year!
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