Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ben's Mom

Ben and I have been sick all week. I ended up staying home from work on Tuesday. I had a sore throat and didn't feel good to begin with, then after I fed Ben, he threw up on me three times before I could even leave the nursery with him. I decided it was probably better for us to both stay home. He's been "teary" and "cranky" according to the new notes that are sent home from day care. I love that we are getting notes, but I'd rather them say he was doing well. I'm surprised I wasn't called to pick him up today because when I left him, I thought he felt a bit warm. Also, he cried a ton after I woke him up and before I fed him. He never cried like that in the morning before. I took him to the Dr's today for the 2nd part of his flu shot. He didn't have a fever so he was able to have the shot. A nurse gave him the shot - he barely flinched, and even gave a laugh when she rubbed his leg with the gauze to soak up the (very little) blood after the shot. I wanted a Dr. to take a look at his ears, but the nurse said I'd have to make a "sick" appointment for him. I really don't think he has an ear infection, but I thought since I was there, they could check. Oh well.

The best part of my day happened at day care this morning. I was getting Ben settled in and the lead teacher in the room wanted my attention so she called me, "Ben's mom"! :) Now, I wish she knew my name, but I didn't even think about that. It was just really neat to be called Ben's Mom. I think that's probably the first time someone has called me that (besides someone close to me). I was talking to another new mom friend of mine today, and she joked that she's lost her own name and will now always be her son's mom. I said, "For the rest of our lives." Seven and a half months later, it's still so amazing to me. I have a son. I'm a mom. I'm responsible for this little life. He'll become a great man because of my influence. For the rest of my life, I'll be Ben's Mom. How cool is that?

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