Friday, February 29, 2008

Like mother like son

Ben's had a good couple of days at day care, the teachers used a little cream on him today. I was upset the other day because I felt I was being told how to count my blessings. I absolutely know my blessings, and as itchy as Ben's skin gets, as cranky as he may become, I know I am blessed he is healthy.

Another little girl at Ben's daycare isn't so lucky in the health department. "Z" I'll call her, has Sickle Cell. She's probably only three or four months old. She's got to be in pain, but the lead teacher tells me she doesn't do too badly during the day, considering. The teacher also told me, Ben is the only baby that makes her smile. He'll crawl over to her, touch her, and they smile at each other. They seem to like one another. I think it's so cool that he's making her feel better. I, and now J.R. as well, am an active volunteer; raising money for the American Cancer Society, teaching bible lessons to the toddlers at church, making donations to shelters, and donating my time to various other causes and situations. I really would love for Ben to see the work I'm doing, and do it himself. I guess in his own little way, he already is.

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