Saturday, March 15, 2008

Easter Egg Hunt

Yay! We took Ben on his first Easter Egg Hunt today. The hunt was at church. There were inflatables, a petting zoo, games and crafts. It was pretty fun. Of course Ben couldn't do the games and crafts, and wasn't interested in the tatoos or face painting. He thought the animals were strange. He was making the funniest faces. He didn't know what the animals were, but they certainly weren't Chloe.

After the petting zoo we checked out the crafts. J.R. and I decorated a sticky cross with tissue paper; Ben just tried putting the tissue paper in his mouth. End of craft. The egg hunt was tons of fun. It went pretty much how I thought it would. I put him down on the ground near a few eggs. Once he discovered them he picked them up, shook them a little, chewed on them a little. He was very cute. I think he had fun, I know I did. It was really cool to my child participate in something like this. :)

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