Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The greatest athlete?

Michael Phelps just won eight gold medals in the 2008 Olympic games. Not only did he win gold medals in every race he swam, but 7 of the 8 races were world records (2 races were completed as part of a team). Unbelievable! He is an incredible swimmer -no doubt. He has won more gold medals in one Olympics than anyone else, ever. But is he the greatest Olympic athlete? Or the greatest athlete in general?

I don't want to take anything away from him, he is absolutely an amazing swimmer. I've enjoyed watching him and have been a fan since I first saw him in 2000. I just don't know what the greatest Olympic athlete is made of. He swam in 8 events so he had the chance at 8 medals. The "redeemed" US men's basketball team (my feelings on that we'll save for another post) have already won 6 of 6 games, and will play another two. If they win both games, they'll have played 8 games, but only won one gold medal. Couldn't they be considered the Olympics' greatest athletes? Misty May-Treanor and Kerri Walsh won 6 beach volleyball matches, each having 2 games for a total of 12 games played and won. They'll play one more time, and if they win, they'll win just one gold medal. But couldn't they be considered the Olympics' greatest athletes? I just want to know what the definition of the greatest athlete is. If it's the most gold medals, then yes, Phelps is the greatest. Who is a better athlete, a gold medal swimmer, or a gold medal runner? In his longest race, Phelps swam 400 meters. The longest running race is the marathon, where a Romanian woman (Constantina Tomescu Dita) didn't stop running for 26.2 miles! Amazing! Not only that, but she pulled away from the pack only half way into it, and for a good part of the later part of the race, she was over 1 minute ahead of everyone else. She ended up winning by 22 seconds! I would think she would qualify as a great Olympic athlete.

Should the greatest athlete be the fastest, most flexible, strongest? I don't know. I do know Phelps is phenomenal, as well as May-Treanor, Walsh, Tomescu Dita, Usain Bolt from Jamaica, and so many more.

My favorite athlete though is one that is so multi faceted. He can speed walk his way to any goal, run with the biggest bounce in his step , climb steps in the blink of an eye, shove more spaghetti in his mouth with his bare hands than I can with a spoon, gives a smile brighter than any Hollywood movie star and fills my heart with the most unbelievable love I've ever felt. My Ben is the most talented athlete I know. And that, in my opinion, deserves a gold medal.

1 comment:

mjancola said...

Sorry, I have to vote for Lance Armstrong. I can't imagine riding my bike for 2-4 hours every day for 20 days, with only a few days in between.
Your Ben is a close 2nd though!