So the Phillies made it to the World Series! It's very exciting around here. I've only lived in Philly for 4 years (10 in PA) but I'm already a fan. The Red Sox will always be number one in my heart, but it's OK to cheer for a team in the AL and NL, right? So, my favorite team in the NL is the Philadelphia Phillies!
Like I said, it's been exciting around here. It's been 15 years since the Phils have made it this far. The city is taking a break from it's normal green (Philly is totally a football city) and going red. I'm seeing more and more Phillies t-shirts and jerseys. Even Ben and I are wearing Phillies gear now. When the team clinched the NL title last week, J.R. was a little teary eyed. He's been a fan all his life. I actually got a little teary eyed when I watched the team disembark their plane from LA. Yesterday, J.R. and I were dropping my mom off at the airport from a weekend visit, and we decided to take a ride. We drove around to the side of the airport and saw lots of TV crews. Come to find out, the team was boarding a plane to Tampa Bay. So, we parked the car, and joined the 4 or 5 women from Citizens Bank and 1 or 2 other fans and watched. Three TV stations interviewed us and the Phillies website interviewed J.R. Unfortunately, we watched the 4:00, 5:00, 6:00 and 10:00 news, and looked on all the stations' websites and found nothing. J.R. did make it onto the Phillies website though, so that's cool. It was a fun experience. I feel like I had a small part in the celebration, other than cheering in my living room.
I'm upset the Sox didn't make the Series, but at least its easier now for me to want one team to win over the other. Go Phils! Beat Tampa Bay!
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