Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Seven months...

I said I'd update with my doctor's appointment information, so here I am! Overall, everything is OK. The baby's heartbeat is strong. I had to have some blood taken because a test was missed last time. However, I measured 3 weeks (I guess it's weeks, maybe inches?) further along than I should be. At past appointments, I've been right on. From here, I visit the doctor every two weeks, so in two weeks, I'll be measured again and if I'm still measuring ahead of where I should be, I'll go in for an ultrasound. He's kicking up a storm, and most of the kicking I feel is low, which probably means he hasn't flipped upside down yet, although he was head down at 20 weeks. He should be flipped before 36 weeks so I'm still OK, although the doctor seemed a little worried. I guess only because the bigger he gets, the harder its going to be for him to turn. She (the doctor) said I'd feel an earthquake if he waits that long. She also felt something round at the top of my belly; could have been a head, could have been a bum. I'm still feeling good, so I guess we'll see what happens in two weeks.

Although I'm generally feeling good (besides the normal 31 week-pregnant aches and uncomfortableness) last night I thought I might have some early contractions. I was feeling some pain in my sides, which I had actually just read about. It just means my uterus is expanding so I may get a few pains. Anyway, I had the pains, and I was feeling what I thought might be indigestion. I was in bed and about to lie down with Ben to put him to sleep, but it was uncomfortable to lie down. I had to stay sitting up. Everything went away and I was feeling fine about 15-20 minutes later. It just reminded me of when I started labor with Ben. That night, I thought I had indigestion because I had been out to dinner. I was uncomfortable lying down so I slept in a chair. That started three days of contractions. Fortunately, that's not where I am right now. The little guy is comfy right where he is.

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