Vomiting by itself, I hate. Now, being nine months pregnant and vomiting....not at all what I wanted to be doing Sunday after Easter dinner. I slept all day Monday, until my doctor's appointment. When I told the doctor my other symptoms, she said it sounded like I had the flu that everyone has right now (she also told me I am 1 cm dilated). Great. Well, after sleeping, comfortably I might add, all day Monday, I haven't been able to sleep since. I've been staying in bed, keeping my eyes closed hoping I'll sleep, but it only half works. At 4:15 AM this morning, I've given up and decided to blog.
Ben isn't sleeping that great either. For the last few nights he's been waking up 3-4 times a night. He falls asleep, so we put him in his crib. He wakes up, he comes back to bed with us, then falls asleep. So we put him in his crib, he wakes up and he comes back to bed with us. Lather, rinse, repeat. J.R. hasn't been able to rock him or soothe him to sleep in the nursery, so he keeps coming in with us. Of course, that's helping me sleep - NOT. At least he's not screaming and crying like he was a few weeks ago.
Another thing with Ben, for the past couple of days in school, he's been crying for me on and off all day. I have a feeling he's figuring out that his world is about ready to be rocked. I don't think he knows how, but he knows. He was very cute the other night when I was sick. I just didn't feel good so I was lying in bed and I was just crying. He crawled up next to me, looked me in the eye to kind of say, what's the matter mommy? and just gave me one of his big cheesy grins. It instantly made me smile. He's been looking at me in the face a lot lately. Just with this big deep stare with those loving eyes and he'll take my face in his hands and lower my head to kiss me on the forehead. Very cute as usual!
Pregnancy wise, I'm feeling great. I just wish I hadn't been so sick these last few weeks. That's what's making me feel so bad. Sunday night was probably the first night I really said - I'm done, I want this baby out. But then I realized, the baby could come, but I'd still be sick. So really, it's the sickness I'm done with. I made it through to the Student Awards tonight, and my big goal is to make it to the Masque's opening night on Friday. After that, I would really like to make it to their senior pinning after the show on Sunday. If I'm still up and around, I think I've decided tonight that I'll take a 1/2 day on Monday. I have a doctor's appointment at 11:30. Then from there... I'm feeling better about leaving work where work stands. I still haven't packed yet (although the baby's clothes are out and I know what pj's I want to bring) and the bassinet isn't up. I'll pack when I get home from work tomorrow (tonight I guess) and J.R. wants to steam clean the bedroom carpet before he puts up the bassinet. I guess if I go before the bassinet goes up, J.R. can put it up while I'm in the hospital. He can't take showers there anyway, so he's going to have to come home every day anyway.
Like I said, pregnancy wise, I feel great and I'd still like to make it to my due date. I really wish everyone would stop rushing me and telling me they want the baby now, or the sickness I'm feeling is my body getting ready, or telling me I must be anxious, etc. I am perfectly fine! Remember, this is the lady who LOVES being pregnant, and honestly, is going to be very sad when this week is over (no more babies for us).