Wow, it's been awhile. So ok, here goes.

I guess we'll start with our illnesses. Ben was sick about two weeks ago (Grammie jinxed us - he was fine until she flew out for the weekend. Poor Ben is always sick when Grammie's here). He had a bad cold and a small ear infection. He passed on his cold to us. J.R. has a little coughing thing going on, but I got it bad. I had an awful cold for the first week that grew into a sinus infection during the second week. The whole right side of my side was hurting. At my last dr's appointment I was given two perscriptions, and finally I feel them working.
Because Ben was sick, it totally messed up his sleep habits. He was finally doing great...falling asleep fairly well, and sleeping through the night. While sick, we was waking up during the night and SCREAMING for up to 2 hours at a time. Then it would take forever to get him to fall back asleep. There were several nights where he only got about 4 hours of sleep. It was awful. Nothing would satisfy him. He's falling asleep much easier now, but still waking up in the middle of the night. At least now, we can bring him into bed with us and he goes right back to sleep. We'll do this for a little while then hopefully we'll be able to get him to stay in his crib all night again.
Pregnancy wise, I'm doing well. Officially tomorrow I'll be "in the window" - two weeks left. At my last appointment I was 50% effaced, and I was barely "a fingertip" dialated. I was so nervous when the dr. was checking me - with Ben I was told I was barely a fingertip, then she said she'd get me started. Yeah, started with three days of contractions! I have my next appointment tomorrow, I'm weekly now.
Here's a pic of me and my boys.

This past weekend, we went to the Easter Eggstravaganza at our old church. Ben was so excited to get three eggs in his basket. He walked around showing everyone. Then he got two more inside where all the activties were. Here are some pictures of that.

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