Sunday, January 4, 2009

vi - e - o

When in the car, Ben often watches Baby Einstein videos, or as he calls them, vi - e -os, or e - os. He LOVES them. I really didn't want him to watch TV until he was two, but at three months...I, and the babysitter, needed relief! To this day, the Baby Einstein videos really calm him down and they keep his attention. We use them in the car when we make our six hour trips. He'll watch for a couple of hours if we let him, and he's just great. It helps huge - I know I don't want to be in the car for six hours. Anyway, just had to explain the title of this post.

The real reason for the post, is because I forgot to upload this really cute video of Ben dancing at the arcade when we were in Ocean City for Christmas. I'll post again about our week in Massachusetts once I upload the pictures we took.

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