We found out Ben has an allergy to cashews...the hard way. We are on vacation at my mom's house and Ben was given a couple of cashew crumbs last night. He had ONE. I don't think he liked it because the other couple of crumbs he gave back to my mom. A little while later, he was rubbing his eyes quite a bit. I took a look at his face and he was getting welts and hives all over it. Then his whole head got beat red and there were welts all over. He started really scratching his head. I called the doctor's office. The nurse told me to give him benedril. His breathing was fine, fortunately. He did continue to get hives all over his belly, his groin and the backs of his knees were very red also. Poor little guy couldn't stop scratching. Then his eyes became swollen. He looked like a completely different person. The benedril slowed his itchiness. I thought it would put him to sleep, but no such thing. All this happened around 5PM, he didn't fall asleep until 10:30PM. He did fall asleep on his own; he fell asleep on the couch right beside me. I didn't even realize he was sleeping at first. I didn't think I'd sleep much last night because I thought I'd be too nervous that he'd stop breathing. He didn't cough or wheeze before he fell asleep, and I checked on him a few times and he was fine, so I ended up sleeping OK. In fact, he slept well at all....he slept until 10:20AM! Aaron slept pretty much all night too...he also fell asleep around 10:30PM and woke up at 6:00 AM.
Here's a few pics of Ben with his swollen eyes.
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