Yesterday was Ben's 2-year well visit at the doctors. Unfortunately, we couldn't see our usual doctor. She is so nice and has been there while Ben has been "growing up". We did see another nice doctor though, and here are Ben's stats... He is 26 lbs, is 35 inches tall and his head is 19 inches around (all nice even numbers). She didn't give me any percentiles. I answered yes to all the "is he doing this" questions, like, does he say a lot of words & can he kick a ball. He said he's doing great. Next well visit will be his 3-year appointment! Aaron was supposed to have his 2 month visit at the same time, but we don't have insurance for him yet so I had to cancel. Hopefully we'll get an answer back soon so we can reschedule. I had him weighed at my breastfeeding group, and he's 13 lbs and 3 oz. He's half the size of Ben!
Here's a picture of Ben in a new outfit that mommy and daddy bought him for his birthday. The shirt is so outrageous it's adorable!
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