Thursday, February 28, 2008

Attitude - and not a good one

OK, so another day care issue...although comparatively, not as bad as other stories. First, some background. I think Ben has eczema. He's always had sensitive skin. Sometimes his skin is really dry, but lately it's red and splotchy and he's itchy. He's always scratched his head a lot, I put Aquafor on it if it looks really dry. I also have a prescription for 1% hydro cortisone cream that I was told to use twice a day for a week. Too much will thin out his skin. I used it for a week, but the "rash" flares up once in a while on different parts of his body so I use it when his skin looks bad. I lotion him twice a day. I left Aquafor at day care, since they've complained about him scratching before, but I refuse to give them the hydro cortisone.

So, I get a call yesterday from the secretary. With an attitude she tells me Ben is itchy and I either need to bring cream or come get him. Apparently the Aquafor I left for him is empty, so I bring some A&D which I read on the label, is not just for diaper rash but for chapped lips & dry skin. I figure it's OK because he also has a small diaper rash, so it'll be multi purpose. I walk into the nursery, and the lights are out because it's nap time, however, Ben is crying at the table, by himself, with no toys. Duh....he's bored! I pick him up to soothe him...who am I kidding, to soothe ME. I asked what he ate and it's a quick "what you served him. I didn't feed him". Whatever lady, I'm just asking. Guessing by the blanket imprint on his forehead, he slept for a short time but woke up. So, I nurse Ben a little to see if he'll take a nap - he's rubbing his eyes a ton so he's obviously sleepy (on the phone I was told his eye was almost swollen shut - in reality it was red and puffy from rubbing it). Then, the director gets an attitude because she is disappointed all I brought was A&D then she tells me that the owner says if Ben's itching doesn't stop I'll have to come pick him up. Yeah? Have the owner call me, I have a few words for her. Anyway, Ben doesn't sleep so I give him back. Both the director and lead teacher give me attitude for not taking him away and bringing him to the doctor. At this point, I break into tears, and tell them (for the second time this week) that he has a doctor's appointment in two weeks, I'll demand then that the doctor do something more for us, but it's going to have to wait until then because I don't have the money to do it sooner, because day care is killing me. They take pity on me because I'm crying, can't believe I have a copay for doctor's visits, and give me the phone number for CHIP. Then tell me that I'm lucky I have a husband because they raised their 2 and 7 kids by themselves. OK - first, I'm not crying because I'm broke (well, a little) but I'm crying because I'm frustrated with this daycare! Second, don't tell me how to count my blessings! I count my blessings every day. Ben may have itchy skin, but he was born with no defects, and he's healthy and I'm so thankful for that. Not only do I have a husband, but I have a wonderful husband. I don't take either for granted.

Sigh.....thanks for letting me vent.

1 comment:

Cindy Worley said...

I understand how difficult the daycare system is, no different now then when I dealt with it I guess, just worse in some ways. It only adds to our "mommy anxiety" and you would think they would understand that. Love your blog site, couldn't comment before then "duh moment" I have a gmail so I set up a blog .. Lifeloveandthings will start tomorrow and prolly be asking for tips. Love and miss you all