Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So, Ben is very into eating things he can pick up. He even tries for spilled fruits/veggies on his high chair table. He loves bread, and we've tried to give him pasta a couple of times but he hasn't taken well too it (although he does like the jar mac n cheese). Tonight we had spaghetti and of course he was up on his feet trying to get at everything on my tv tray (yeah, yeah, we were eating in front of the tv, what else is new). To keep him quiet and busy I gave him some spaghetti. He loved it. The cutest part - he was slurping it! So funny! We didn't get any pictures, and we tried to get some slurpping noises on video. This is about the best we could do.

J.R. had the camera and it was on video mode -so watch out. Everything becomes a video. I didn't realize there was anything to this video, except a funny scream, until I watched it just now. I think Ben is trying to tell us that his diaper is full. Glad I spent the money on the sign language class - instead of giving me the sign for "change my wet diaper" he decides on another sign of his own. (Pay no attention to "Charmed" on the tv in the background.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you Big Ben.

~cousin Brad